Source code for climt._core.util

from sympl import jit, DataArray
import numpy as np
import functools

def ensure_contiguous_state(func):
    def wrapper(self, state, *args, **kwargs):
        for name, value in state.items():
            if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
                state[name] = np.ascontiguousarray(value)
        return func(self, state, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def numpy_version_of(state):
    Return raw numpy arrays from state.

        state (dict):
            state dictionary containing DataArrays

        raw_arrays (dict):
            dictionary containing the numpy arrays
            underlying the DataArrays.

    raw_arrays = {}

    for quantity in state.keys():
        if isinstance(state[quantity], DataArray):
            raw_arrays[quantity] = state[quantity].values
        elif isinstance(state[quantity], np.ndarray):
            raw_arrays[quantity] = state[quantity]

    return raw_arrays

[docs]def mass_to_volume_mixing_ratio( mass_mixing_ratio, molecular_weight=None, molecular_weight_air=28.964): """ g/g or g/kg to mole/mole Converts from mass mixing ratio (mass per unit mass) to volume mixing ratio (volume per unit volume) Args: mass_mixing_ratio (array): The quantity to be transformed in units of :math:`g/g`. molecular_weight (float): The molecular weight of the gas in :math:`g/mol`. molecular_weight_air (float,optional): The molecular weight of dry air. If it is not provided, the value for dry air on earth (28.964 g/mol) is used. Returns: volume_mixing_ratio (array): The volume mixing ratio of the gas. Raises: ValueError: if the molecular weight is not provided. """ if molecular_weight is None: raise ValueError('The molecular weight must be provided') volume_mixing_ratio = mass_mixing_ratio*molecular_weight_air/molecular_weight return volume_mixing_ratio
[docs]def get_interface_values( mid_level_values, surface_value, mid_level_pressure, interface_level_pressure): """ Calculate interface values given mid-level values. Given 3D values of a quantity on model mid levels (cell centers) and the 2D surface value, return the 3D values of that quantity on model full levels (cell interfaces). If the vertical dimension of :code:`mid_level_values` is length K, the returned array will have a vertical dimension of length K+1. Routine borrowed from CESM (radiation.F90 in rrtmg folder) Args: mid_level_values (array): The values of the quantity on mid-levels. surface_value (array): The value of the quantity at the surface. Must be in the same units as :code:`mid_level_values` mid_level_pressure (array): Pressure values on mid-levels. Can be in any units. interface_level_pressure (array): Pressure values on interface levels. Must be in in the same units as :code:`mid_level_pressure`. Returns: interface_values (array): values of the quantity on mid-levels. """ interface_values = np.zeros( (mid_level_values.shape[0]+1, mid_level_values.shape[1]), dtype=np.double) log_mid_p = np.log(mid_level_pressure) interp_weight = ( np.log(interface_level_pressure[1:-1, :]) - log_mid_p[1:, :]) / ( log_mid_p[:-1, :] - log_mid_p[1::, :]) interface_values[1:-1, :] = \ mid_level_values[1:, :] - interp_weight*( mid_level_values[1:, :] - mid_level_values[0:-1, :]) interface_values[0, :] = surface_value[:] interface_values[-1, :] = mid_level_values[-1, :] return interface_values
def calculate_q_sat(surf_temp, surf_press, Rd, Rv): above_freezing = surf_temp > 273 below_freezing = np.logical_not(above_freezing) sat_vap_press = np.zeros(surf_temp.shape) eps = Rd/Rv sat_vap_press[above_freezing] =\ (1.0007 + 3.46e-8*surf_press[above_freezing])*611.21*np.exp( 17.966*(surf_temp[above_freezing] - 273.)/(247.15 + (surf_temp[above_freezing] - 273.))) sat_vap_press[below_freezing] = \ (1.0003 + 4.18e-8*surf_press[below_freezing])*611.15*np.exp( 22.452*(surf_temp[below_freezing] - 273.)/(272.5 + (surf_temp[below_freezing] - 273.))) return eps*sat_vap_press/(surf_press - (1 - eps)*sat_vap_press) @jit(nopython=True) def bolton_q_sat(T, p, Rd, Rh2O): es = 611.2 * np.exp(17.67 * (T - 273.15) / (T - 29.65)) epsilon = Rd/Rh2O return epsilon*es/(p - (1 - epsilon)*es) @jit(nopython=True) def bolton_dqsat_dT(T, Lv, Rh2O, q_sat): """Uses the assumptions of equation 12 in Reed and Jablonowski, 2012. In particular, assumes d(qsat)/dT is approximately epsilon/p*d(es)/dT""" return Lv*q_sat/(Rh2O*T**2)