Source code for climt._components.radiation

from sympl import TendencyComponent, DiagnosticComponent, get_constant
import numpy as np

[docs]class GrayLongwaveRadiation(TendencyComponent): input_properties = { 'longwave_optical_depth_on_interface_levels': { 'dims': ['interface_levels', '*'], 'units': 'dimensionless', 'alias': 'tau', }, 'air_temperature': { 'dims': ['mid_levels', '*'], 'units': 'degK', 'alias': 'sl', }, 'surface_temperature': { 'dims': ['*'], 'units': 'degK', 'alias': 'T_surface', }, 'air_pressure': { 'dims': ['mid_levels', '*'], 'units': 'Pa', 'alias': 'p', }, 'air_pressure_on_interface_levels': { 'dims': ['interface_levels', '*'], 'units': 'Pa', 'alias': 'p_interface', }, } diagnostic_properties = { 'downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air': { 'dims': ['interface_levels', '*'], 'units': 'W m^-2', 'alias': 'lw_down', }, 'upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air': { 'dims': ['interface_levels', '*'], 'units': 'W m^-2', 'alias': 'lw_up', }, 'longwave_heating_rate': { 'dims': ['mid_levels', '*'], 'units': 'degK day^-1' } } tendency_properties = { 'air_temperature': {'units': 'degK s^-1'}, } def array_call(self, state): (downward_flux, upward_flux, net_lw_flux, lw_temperature_tendency, tau) = get_longwave_fluxes( state['sl'], state['p_interface'], state['T_surface'], state['tau'], get_constant('stefan_boltzmann_constant', 'W/m^2/K^4'), get_constant('gravitational_acceleration', 'm/s^2'), get_constant('heat_capacity_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure', 'J/kg/K') ) tendencies = { 'sl': lw_temperature_tendency, } diagnostics = { 'lw_down': downward_flux, 'lw_up': upward_flux, 'longwave_heating_rate': lw_temperature_tendency * 86400. } return tendencies, diagnostics
[docs]class Frierson06LongwaveOpticalDepth(DiagnosticComponent): input_properties = { 'air_pressure_on_interface_levels': { 'dims': ['interface_levels', '*'], 'units': 'Pa', }, 'surface_air_pressure': { 'dims': ['*'], 'units': 'Pa', }, 'latitude': { 'dims': ['*'], 'units': 'degrees_N', } } diagnostic_properties = { 'longwave_optical_depth_on_interface_levels': { 'dims': ['interface_levels', '*'], 'units': 'dimensionless', } }
[docs] def __init__( self, linear_optical_depth_parameter=0.1, longwave_optical_depth_at_equator=6, longwave_optical_depth_at_poles=1.5, **kwargs): """ Args: linear_optical_depth_parameter (float, optional): The constant :math:`f_l` which determines how much of the variation of :math:`\\tau` with pressure is linear rather than quartic. :math:`\\tau = \\tau_0 [f_l \\frac{p}{p_s} + (1 - f_l) (\\frac{p}{p_s})^4]` Default is 0.1 as in `[Frierson et al., 2006]`_. longwave_optical_depth_at_equator (float, optional): The value of :math:`\\tau_0` at the equator. Default is 6 as in `[Frierson et al., 2006]`_. longwave_optical_depth_at_poles (float, optional): The value of :math:`\\tau_0` at the poles. Default is 1.5 as in `[Frierson et al., 2006]`_. .. _[Frierson et al., 2006]: """ self._fl = linear_optical_depth_parameter self._tau0e = longwave_optical_depth_at_equator self._tau0p = longwave_optical_depth_at_poles super(Frierson06LongwaveOpticalDepth, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def array_call(self, state): return { 'longwave_optical_depth_on_interface_levels': get_frierson_06_tau( state['latitude'], state['air_pressure_on_interface_levels'] / state['surface_air_pressure'][None, :], self._tau0e, self._tau0p, self._fl ) }
# @jit(nopython=True) def integrate_upward_longwave(T, T_surface, tau, sigma): """ Args: T: 3D x-y-z air temperature array in Kelvin where z starts at the bottom, and z is on mid levels. T_surface: 2D x-y surface temperature array in Kelvin tau: 3D x-y-z optical depth array where z starts at the bottom, and z is on interface levels. sigma: Stefann-Boltzmann constant Returns: upward_flux: 3D x-y-z longwave radiative flux array where z starts at the bottom, and z is on interface levels. Positive means upward. """ upward_flux = np.zeros( (T.shape[0]+1, T.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) upward_flux[0, :] = sigma*T_surface**4 for k in range(1, T.shape[0]+1): dtau = tau[k, :] - tau[k-1, :] upward_flux[k, :] = ( upward_flux[k-1, :] * np.exp(-dtau) + sigma * T[k-1, :]**4 * (1. - np.exp(-dtau))) return upward_flux # @jit(nopython=True) def integrate_downward_longwave(T, tau, sigma): """ Args: T: 3D x-y-z air temperature array in Kelvin where z starts at the bottom, and z is on mid levels. tau: 3D x-y-z optical depth array where z starts at the bottom, and z is on interface levels. sigma: Stefann-Boltzmann constant Returns: downward_flux: 3D x-y-z longwave radiative flux array where z starts at the bottom, and z is on interface levels (interfaces). Positive means downward. """ downward_flux = np.zeros( (T.shape[0]+1, T.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) for k in range(T.shape[0]-1, -1, -1): dtau = tau[k+1, :] - tau[k, :] downward_flux[k, :] = ( downward_flux[k+1, :]*np.exp(-dtau) + sigma * T[k, :]**4 * (1 - np.exp(-dtau))) return downward_flux # @jit(nopython=True) def get_longwave_fluxes( T, p_interface, T_surface, tau, sigma, g, Cpd): upward_flux = integrate_upward_longwave(T, T_surface, tau, sigma) downward_flux = integrate_downward_longwave(T, tau, sigma) net_lw_flux = upward_flux - downward_flux longwave_temperature_tendency = g/Cpd * ( net_lw_flux[1:, :] - net_lw_flux[:-1, :])/( p_interface[1:, :] - p_interface[:-1, :]) return (downward_flux, upward_flux, net_lw_flux, longwave_temperature_tendency, tau) # @jit(nopython=True) def get_frierson_06_tau(latitude, sigma, tau0e, tau0p, fl): tau_0 = tau0e + (tau0p - tau0e) * np.sin(latitude*np.pi/180.)**2 tau = tau_0 * (1 - (fl*sigma + (1 - fl)*sigma**4)) return tau